Walker & Wood peuvent vous conseiller dans vos démarches juridiques. Leur équipe d'experts est disponible comme aidants juridiques, procureurs, avocats d'appel et encore plus. Leurs champs de compétences couvrent vos enquêtes en immigration et droits des refugiés.
My fiance had to deal with him as an estate lawyer. Besides being unreachable 90% of the time Mr. Wood conintually showed a lack of professionalism from hand drawn accounting records instead of actual copies of the records to delivering nonceratified cheques making the process take even longer than the four years it already took and costing the partist involved even more money for what should have been included in the legal fees. While it is not all his fault there is no doubt in my mind that this man had no will to carry out his duties in a reasonable time frame has he had to be continually pressed by all people involved to get things done as well as telling misinformation.
If I could rate this any lower I would. He doesn't deserve even one star.