Big Land Geomatics offers a variety of geomatics services to companies throughout Canada and the world. We are a Majority Owned Aboriginal Company and are a registered member with the Nunatukavut Community Council. We bring over 20+ years of combined experience to the mining and construction fields. Our work history includes a combination of supervisory, training and field and office work. We have been involved with established Mining Companies, such as the Iron Ore Company of Canada and the starup of a new mine, Petro-Canada Fort Hills. Our construction experience has included several projects within the Alberta Oilsands, such as Husky Sunrise, Kearl Lake, Albian Sands, Synenco Energy and Surmont Energy. We have been involved with major Hydro Electric projects, Wuskwatim (Manitoba Hydro), and a vast amount of highway, dyke, and bridge construction projects, the Trans Labrador Highway and Diavik Diamond de texte