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Realtors® You Can Trust

Selling a house can be nerve-wracking, but having Josie and Valerie and the whole team on our side replaced the…

— Drea & Simon

What Our Clients Say
Our Guarantee…

To Always Act In Your Best Interest

To Be Good Listeners

To Be Upfront And Transparent In All We Do

To Deliver On Our Commitments

To Tell It Like It Is

To Provide Exceptional Service

To Be Patient And Compassionate

To Act With Skill, Care, And Diligence

To Nurture An Experience Worth Talking About

To Work Tirelessly To Deliver Results

The Josie Stern Team

The Josie Stern Team

Josie Stern and Valérie Benchitrit provide exceptional personal service, customized solutions for your real estate needs, and results that exceed expectations.

Meet Our Team

Sales Statistics
for 2024*

Humewood/Cedarvale, Wychwood, Casa Loma, Regal Heights, Corso Italia & Oakwood/Vaughan – Combined

Sales Statistics
for 2024*

Humewood/Cedarvale, Wychwood, Casa Loma, Regal Heights, Corso Italia & Oakwood/Vaughan – Combined

Click slide to enlarge

Selling With Us

We provide every client with a state-of-the-art marketing plan, strategize to generate as many offers as possible, and exercise master negotiating skills to get you top dollar for your most valued asset.

Request a Free Market Evaluation

Our free market evaluation includes advising you on the best timing, a review of our powerful marketing plan that reaches thousands of potential buyers, and suggesting the most effective list price to get you top dollar. Maximizing the sale of your property is an art we have mastered through decades of experience.

— Drea & Simon

Selling a house can be nerve-wracking, but having Josie and Valerie and the whole team on our side replaced the…

Buying With Us

When dealing with buyers we implement unique and powerful strategies for you to come out the winner in this fast-paced real estate market. Every word we speak, every action we take, and every piece of advice we give will be influenced by our commitment to do what is best for you.

Your Neighbourhood Ambassadors

Josie was recognized in 2002 by the Toronto Star when they featured her as “a personality that influences a neighbourhood.” Over the years, Josie and Valérie have expanded their activities to many areas of central Toronto. Learn more about those neighbourhoods here.