Breaking the cycle of online self-radicalization
Helping friends escape the alt-right pipeline is often achieved through open dialogue
Bringing the conversation to the skatepark
Fringe Arts
Dr. Martens: Laced with history
Fat bodies, discipline and the politics of size
CREW ends strike following agreement with Concordia
CREW ended its indefinite strike following an agreement reached between the union’s bargaining committee and the university, which was ratified on March 20.
The Jewish Left and the right to dissent
To quote an old professor of mine: it takes a village to think. But it may also be worthwhile travelling outside of one’s familiar terrain in order to discover new, potentially destabilizing, horizons.
Stingers 5, X-Women 2: Concordia advances to national semifinals
Excerpt: Amid a roller coaster quarterfinal matchup, the Concordia University women’s hockey team pulled away to keep their dreams of repeating alive.
Canadian birdsong is coming to a decrescendo
Canadian bird populations have decreased significantly since the 1970s, with grassland birds in a critical condition.
The dangers of ‘anti-mask’ rhetoric
The rise in “anti-mask” sentiment is harmful for the protection of student activists and for public health.
The rising prominence and exploitation of anti-intellectualism
Amid rising conservatism, unaffordable education, and ignorance legitimized by powerful figures, anti-intellectualism has become prominent in today’s political climate.