A regular car wash will help protect your car from the harsh winter weather. It will also protect the value of your car by saving you money on costly repairs. Here are five tips to remember the next time you need to wash your car in the winter.
17 décembre 2014
A regular car wash will help protect your car from the harsh winter weather. It will also protect the value of your car by saving you money on costly repairs. Here are five tips to remember the next time you need to wash your car in the winter.
Most winter car products recommend that they be applied when it's 10 degrees Celsius outside. That is a pretty hard request for most Canadians, as almost the entire winter season is below zero.
A big winter storm can leave your car a mess. But after the storm, your car can get even messier with all the stuff road crews use to clean up the storm.
In the winter, it's vital that you thoroughly dry your car after a car wash. In sub zero temperatures it will be easy for any water left on your car to freeze. Don’t risk ruining your paint.
After your car has been cleaned, apply a high-quality wax to protect your car. It will help keep your car clean during the winter, not to mention that your car will look nice and shiny.
You can clean your car without any water with a waterless car wash formula. Look for one that you can use below zero, then head inside.
Like most Canadians, you probably spend the majority of the year in below zero temps and that means a lot of snow, salt, slush and road grease. These winter elements can eat away at your car’s metal, chrome and paint, which could cause serious rust problems.
A regular car wash will help protect your car from the harsh winter weather. It will also protect the value of your car by saving you money on costly repairs.
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