Chris Weishaupt, owner of Edge Computers, wears a black cap, dark sunglasses and a black jacket. It’s dark in the store too (keeping the lights dim saves on electricity bills), but Chris has good vision and his fingers run nimbly over the keyboard that he is fixing. But when Chris starts talking about his passion for curing cranky computers, his eyes light up and the atmosphere brightens.
When computers crash, customers rely on Edge Computers to revive them. “I’m a detective, uncovering the mystery of why something’s stopped,” Chris says. Viruses (which want to destroy) and malware (which just wants to annoy) account for most of the glitches.
Chris was recognized for his exceptional business practices, receiving the “Gem of the Lakeshore Award” presented by his Member of Parliament in 2013. “I got it for my friendly nature and because I give decent service,” he says. Chris prides himself on his rapid turnaround time (usually 24 hours) as well as his honesty. “I don’t scam clients,” he says.