They custom built a system to my specs, carefully discussing options as I selected my components. They were 2 days late on my requested pick up date (no big deal). The system performs as expected. Satisfaction level is high. One thing I did notice that I did not like was that they were still displaying (and presumably selling) Kaspersky Anti Virus software in direct conflict with the Canadian government's (and indeed most of the world) sanctions against Russia and products produced in Russia.
I ordered a 1600 computer online and when I went to pick it up they tried to sell me an demo model. I refused and asked them to order me a unopened box from another (Newmarket and Ottawa had ones in stock I checked) two weeks went by with no contact from the store and when I reached out for an update I found they had sold the computer I ordered to another customer. They then offered me another computer which turned out to sold out company wore. Terrible staff do not shop here.