Overall I think this is a great business and this has helped me with english and science to get high marks. Tutor Scholar has really helped me achieve my goals.
Chris has been a great chemistry tutor! He is very patient and and great at explaining concepts! He will alter his teaching style based on what he sees best for the student! In addition, he is extremely organized and well prepared! Overall, I would recommend Tutor Scholars!
Tutor Scholar really helped me understand concepts from the Grade 12 adv. functions curriculum that I was unable to grasp during my first attempt. My tutor was always punctual and professional and was able to fully break down the steps to help me understand better. I highly recommend Tutor Scholar to anyone looking for a tutor. Thanks Chris!
Chris has been tutoring my daughter for the past couple of months. He is very professional and well organized. He makes his students feel comfortable, he is very patient and understanding with teenagers. I personally recommend him. ?